Mindset Tips & Tricks

Success is a Team Sport

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origami heart success is a teamsport

Recently I was reminded of something my dad taught me when I was much younger. “You need to create your team. Choose carefully who you choose for it. “ Later while watching Roger Federer win his zillion Grand Slam he added: “He has a great team.” And it is true. We need a team. It […]

How to...

Visualize your upcoming performance!

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sydney opera house being spied on by a bird

6 years ago I was so in love with another singer. A blond german bass, I mean…yeah…what did I want more?! He called me his sunshine and always admired my positivity. But, it’s not always easy to stay positive in the field I work in. The Performing Arts can be quite harsh. That’s why I take […]


The First Decision

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My life won't be an apology

One of the books my mentors at the SFM (Six Figure Mentors) suggested me to read was “The Traveler’s gift” by Andy Andrews about the seven decisions that determine personal success. I was blown away by it and read it within a few days. So well written! No wonder this was a New York Times Bestseller! […]