Mindset Tips & Tricks

The 3 UNs in our minds

In uncertain times there is the possibility we fall victim to one , or all, of the 3 UNs

-UNconvinced things will ever change.
-UNsure about what to do next.

While we gather ourselves with tons of others on these crossroads of life’s decisions, we can clearly notice the group of people who find a certain pleasure in complaining about the 3 UN’s and have created a comfortable lifestyle within their misery. Never wanting to get out and complaining about how it feels within.

When we constantly hear about the 3UN’s in our minds, and when we are talking badly to ourselves about what we do not like, it is almost impossible to make significant changes.

You start with baby steps.

I have learned that the power of change lies in the little things.
No one expects you to make big leaps of changes overnight. It is all about the baby steps that lead to consistent transformation.

What are these babysteps? You might wonder.

Just start by doing 1 thing a day in these 4 categories for 30 days.

It can vary from 5 extra push-ups to 1 glass of water immideately when you wake up. Or 1 kind email to someone from the past. It can be an extra smile you give the lady at the grocery store or an extra phonecall to your father, asking if he is doing well.
It can be an extra 10 minutes in meditation for yourself. Come up with whatever suits you and the lifestye you want to have.

And understand that it’s not about making a grand gesture or an epic experience.
Just one thing at a time.

Facing dificulties in life can be hard and sometimes it can feel impossible to make significant progress today
But when you take consistent action,  step by step, when you will stay on the course, significant progress comes to you.
It will not help to beat yourself up in these changing and challenging times. It will only play you down and that is the last thing you’ll need.

Are you willing to go that extra couple of centimeters which will add up to become that extra mile?

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